
9 months ago

Site Restored

Site Restored
HI All My apologies for the recent outage but as of this moment the site is back and functioning correctly.  If you do find something weird please let me know as always. Thank you to all the messages of support and the general understanding and patience of (most) users.  Hopefully now I can...
9 months ago

Site Updated 27/5/2024

Site Updated 27/5/2024
HI All The site has been updated to the latest version of the software available.  This is mainly a backend update as there will be only minor changes or addtions to the function of the site from a user prospective.  It does however address some compatability issues going forward (as...
9 months ago

3/5/2024 - Site Upgrade coming soon!

3/5/2024 - Site Upgrade coming soon!
Hi All I am planning a major site upgrade very soon which may necessitate an outage up to a possible 5 hours.  Hopefully my vendor can do this in a quite time ie: night but I will have to do this more to their schedule than mine. This should bring some more stability along with some...
10 months ago

Site Outage - 16/4/2024

Site Outage - 16/4/2024
Hi All The site was down today for 12 hours and 19 minutes due to an unacknowledged configuration change by the web hosting company.  Very hard to troubleshoot something that supposedly has not happened!  Thanks go to the developer of the software (Flynax) for tracking this issue and getting...
1 year ago

27/04/2023 - Registration Poll Result

27/04/2023 - Registration Poll Result
Hi All As you may be aware there has been a poll active for two months with the question regarding allowing non-VK/ZL registrations.  The results are quite close but I consider them not to be significant enough to change the current practices.  This is also based on past positive experiences...
2 years ago

Placing adver issue - 26/04/2022

Placing adver issue - 26/04/2022
HI All If you are having an issue placing an advert at the moment eg.  the Next button does not work.  Try a right click on the button and select "Open Link in New Tab"  this is just a workaround until I sort this out.  Thanks.
3 years ago

13/12/2021 - Xmas greetings and Update

13/12/2021 - Xmas greetings and Update
HI All Work continues on trying to make this system work in an acceptable way.  It unfortunately does not, as much as I would like anyway, and this is a continuing struggle!  This new system has certianly made me miss the previous one which unfortunately ceased operating due to the company...
3 years ago

25/11/2021 - Update - Listing Durations and Features changed

25/11/2021 - Update - Listing Durations and Features changed
Hi All You may may have noticed a drop in advert numbers today?  This is because a hard limit expiry duration is now being enforced on listings.  I trialled not enforcing this but have found that some users are not removing their listings when they are no longer required which is causing...
3 years ago

11/11/2021- Update

11/11/2021- Update
Welcome back to a previous commercial advertiser in FutureSystem / DX Radio Systems.  They are Australia’s dealer for Flex radios among other things.  Please check out there products.  Lots still going on in the background.  Hoping to have a renew option available soon for Classifieds...
3 years ago

06/10/2021- Update

06/10/2021- Update
Hi Al Welcome to the newest advertiser - Bitek P/L.  You all would be familiar with Hills I’m sure and this is where Hills now live, with Kaz and the team at Bitek.  Lots of RF and Communications equipment as well. Please check them out. The site is still rolling along.  Advert...
3 years ago

29/09/2021 - Update

29/09/2021 - Update
Hi All Things slowly coming together.  Milestone for today is the final look of Homepage locked in finally!  Look out for a new and exciting Commercial advertiser coming on board very soon as well.  Auctions are usable but still proving to be problematic.  This will be a work in progress...
3 years ago

23/09/2021 - far

23/09/2021 - far
Hi All, Quite a few things happening.   Layout changes to the Homepage with more to come I hope once I figure it out :-)  Also you may notice now when posting an advert that you now have the option of having an Auction.  This one is a work in progress and is somewhat unusual as it, I...
3 years ago

19/09/2021 - Update

19/09/2021 - Update
Hi All Finally fixed up the Payment Gateway issue (again!).  Some UI tweaks and lots of account queries etc. answered.  Please remember the Forgot Password process to retrieve your credentials and if not there give some thought to what email address you may have initially registered with :-)...
3 years ago

18/09/2021 - Update

18/09/2021 - Update
Hi All Finally..... I have reinstated all Supporter and Sponsor accounts and they work now! Now I might be able to move on to some of the other (not quite so critical) issues. Thanks to the Supporters and Sponsors for their patience. cheers...Allan
3 years ago

16/09/2021 - Update

16/09/2021 - Update
Hi All I have just spent quiet a bit of time reverting ALL accounts back to Free.  At least in the interim everyone will be able to place adverts now!  I will reinstate Supporter & Sponsor as soon as I can.  Added options for Payments instead of being able to only select one. If you see...
3 years ago

15/09/2021 - Update

15/09/2021 - Update
Hi All Still working.  An issue has come to light that the Contact Seller link does not appear if you are using a mobile device eg. phone or Ipad etc.  Another one on the list unfortunately.  I have raised this also.  A few UI tweaks today but I am being held up a bit by the slowness and...
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