Support VK Classifieds

If you like the way the VK Classifieds have worked for you, please consider a small donation to help with the running costs of this service.  

Any amount would be appreciated. Even a kind word or referral to a friend is valued :-)

Please Note:  Other sites may charge you up to 10% (or more!) of you final sale price and some even charge you just to list an item!  

VK Classifieds charges you NOTHING for basic adverts...EVER!

Here is an example of costs of using other online auction/classified selling sites. CLICK HERE


Donations can be made via:

PayPal to donate securely online with your credit card

PayID is also available to:

Manual payments can be made via:

Cheque, Cash or Money Order to:

A. Meredith
P.O. Box 890   
NSW 2850

It is not mandatory to donate but any help will be greatly appreciated and will help me cover the running expenses of the site and possibly (if enough) towards expansion/improvement of the VK Classifieds site in general.

Thank you to those who have donated either financially, or materially or have given generously of their time and knowledge. All are greatly appreciated. (Listed below)  

Donations in previous years - View Here

The donations highlighted in Red are more than twice the average donation amount (Green is 4x or more - an exceptionally generous level of support). The table below is for the current calendar year - if you donated to VK Classifieds in previous years, thank you again.


Ronald Ostrenski  VK4JBY Philip Heckingbottom  VK6ADF Brian Welch VK7BW
Glen English  VK1XX Ross Hatton VK3ZZ David Barry VK2IH
Simon McClure  VK3SMC Lyle Marriage Geoff Beadle  VK3UDX
Stephen Thompson  VK6DXA Graham Bradfield  VK2BWC Gerard Elijzen  VK2JNG
Scott Williams  VK3KJ Bruce Whitby Geoffery Beadle  VK3UDX * *
Simon Dyett  VK3AWE David Grove  VK2DWG David Tindall  VK4DWT
Charles Frederick Waverley ARC  VK2BV Phillip Vis VK3BOY *
Tomas Magyla  VK2CCC John Boxall  VK4JBX Norman Bergen  VK4ANB
John Butcher  VK2HA Adam Ellis  VK3NP Michael Rautenberg   VK2OT
Bernie Wills  VK4AWJ Peter Collie  VK3AAV Martin Grob  VK7AAH
Christopher Peake Mark Harris  VK3EME


* Multiple donations!

Thanks to those who have donated to help keep VK Classifieds running!

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