
3 years ago

14/09/2021 - Update

14/09/2021 - Update
Hi All Lots or work still going on.  The look is coming together.  Managed to get rid of a lot or erroneous stuff around the site but still having the major issue with account types unfortunately.  I have escalated this and I hope this will be sorted soon.  Sorry to all for the...
3 years ago

13/09/2021 - Update

13/09/2021 - Update
Hi All Just an update to let you know where we are at. Thank you for your patience.  I am working through a mountain of issues and support is very slow in coming so please bear with me.  Hopefully, with the start of a new week, I can start to get answers and get on top of things a bit. ...
3 years ago

12/09/2021 - Update and Thanks

12/09/2021 - Update and Thanks
Hi All Just a quick update and thanks.   Firstly thank you to everyone who has expressed support, either by a kind word or donation or both, they are all especially gratefully recevied during this quite busy (stressful) time. Still lots of things going on in the background and thank you...
3 years ago

10/09/2021 - Update

10/09/2021 - Update
Adverts culled to last 200 as differentiating which ones were actually "live" was not possible due to previous site going down.  If you notice one that is no longer available please let me know. If your advert has been removed my apologies.  Hopefully this will sort out reasonably...
3 years ago

09/09/2021 - Old Site goes down! - New Site goes up!

09/09/2021 - Old Site goes down! - New Site goes up!
HI All, Unfortunately, as I was preparing the new site in the likelyhood that the existing one would cease to function at some time, it did just that and switched off on the morning of the 8th of Sept. 2021.  This was due to the software periodically checking back to its original server to...
3 years ago


24/08/2021 - A change is coming........... A complete site change is coming in the next couple of months. I have to work out the timing so stay tuned but this has to happen. This is brought about by both my server OS going "out of life" and needing to migrate to a completely new...
3 years ago


15/06/2021 - Just an example of costs of using other online auction/classified selling sites. I recently sold an item (not radio-related!) on another selling site for the first time in a while and the fees were a killer! This is the final total charged on my sale: Final Value Fee Item...
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