13/12/2021 - Xmas greetings and Update

3 years ago
HI All

Work continues on trying to make this system work in an acceptable way.  It unfortunately does not, as much as I would like anyway, and this is a continuing struggle!  This new system has certianly made me miss the previous one which unfortunately ceased operating due to the company authoring and licencing it shutting down unexpectedly !  Virtually no support calls in 6 years in the previous system to now well over 100 calls (and counting) in only 3 months gives you an idea of the difference in "polish" between the systems.  Given time maybe another system may have been chosen but it is what it is and I will continue to try to make this new system make sense, sometimes despite the efforts of the authors!  As always please let me know if you see something that is either not working as it should. 

A huge thanks to all the supporters and well wishers. Your support is greatly appreciated and truly is the only reason this system continues at all.

Merry Xmax in advance to all and please stay safe.  Here’s hopeing 2022 will be a better year!

cheers..Allan VK2CA
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