CREATE RC5-DC24DS7 Rotator Set with remote control

$ 1,600.00
Quantity Available
3 days ago

Rotator Set With Dial Control & Remote For Computer Control
Includes top mast clamp & Gal H/W + plug & fork terminals for control cable, revised manual.

Wind Area .................. 1.2 m sq.
Rotation Torque ........ 4 ~ 10 kg/m
Brake Torque ..............90 kg/m
Mast Size ....................48 ~ 63mm
Brake System..............Worm Drive a natural brake system
Rotation Time ............ 35 ~ 110 seconds 360 degrees
Rotation Angle............380 degrees.
Rotator Motor .............24vDC 13w.
Rotator Weight............5.0Kg.
Controller Weight ......3.1Kg.

The RC5-DS7 Controller :- Has Dial Speed Control With Manual Direction Switch & Full Circle Compass Display, New DS7R remote control PCB.

Since the original controller was damaged by lightning it was completely stripped down & upgraded with NEW parts.
New Parts installed:- DS7R & Power PCB's, 10amp PWM speed control module, 7 way output terminal barrier, Display drive gearing, POT for Speed Control, POT's for display assembly & adjustment, Transformer, LED illumination, Limit LED, Fused IEC power socket & safety power lead, M4 earth bolt.
Completely re-wired the whole controller. Housings have been repainted.
Has be fully checked & aligned with the RC5-DC24 rotator below.

The RC5-DC24 Rotator :- Has 1/77 worm drive into two stage reduction gearing, all driven by a new 24v DC motor.
Able to rotate a full 380 degrees. It has low back lash with high rotation torque & powerful braking without relying on any auxiliary brake mechanism. With a total of only four gears, two of which are made from high tensile steel & the other two are made from zinc alloy, all running on high tensile steel shafts.
Includes:- Top mast clamp & mounting hardware + plug & terminals for control cable.
Completely stripped down & cleaned.
Has been refurbished & updated with @ least 75% NEW parts.
NEW Parts list:- MC601 Output flange, 24v DC motor + mounting bracket, Coupling assembly, Shafts for Worm Gear & Worm Wheel, Worm gear & worm wheel, Drive Gear & shaft, Final gear & shaft, Limit Switch assembly, POT gear, 500 ohm POT & mounting bracket, Weather Seal & Screw cover cap, Both plug & socket for control cable, Fully re-wired.
The housings & mast clamps were glass bead blasted etched primed then paint in Epoxy Enamel Pewter.
The Worm Gear/Worm Wheel chamber was upgraded & sealed better for the new Bel-Ray 00 white fluid grease I use the chamber.
The Main & Drive gears were re-installed into the refurbished housings with new grease through out.
Aligned & calibrated to the RC5-DS7 controller.

230vAC. 24 month warranty.
This Unit Is Available For Exchange. See my web site for details.

Please contact Peter via the emails service provided by VK Classifieds or via my web site.

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