WWII Command receiver tuning capacitor

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4 days ago
You are bidding on one WWII Command receiver tuning capacitor - see photos. These tuning capacitors were used in ARC-5, SCR-274-N and ARA families of receivers. They were designed under Dr Drake’s supervision to be very stable and relatively temperature invariant.
The slow-motion variation in capacity is achieved via a worm-drive fed by a splined shaft.
There are several:
  • ·Three for NDB navigation receivers (190 – 550 kHz and 520 - 1500 kHz), part No. 3936
  • ·One for Communication receivers (3 – 6 MHz), part No. 4601

Tell me how many you require of which kind so I can give you an accurate invoice. 
I can provide some tuning dials and tuning knobs to fit the splined shaft, as extras; ask.
All original equipment manufactured components are present, except:
  • some of the soldered connecting wires are short
  • some are missing the side bracket carrying the trimmer and padder capacitors
  • the 6/32 fastening screws may be missing or have damaged paint on heads.
You can
  • use it for its original purpose in your Command receiver
  • use it to replace a damaged tuning capacitor in your Command receiver
  • modify it for use in a navigation, broadcast or communication receiver you are building
  • add it to your collection of Command receiver spares.
Why I am selling these items
I collected these tuning capacitors when I was rebuilding Command receivers. I have now rebuilt all the receivers I need and these listed are surplus.
I make no charge for packaging. Your item will be properly wrapped and packed to withstand the usual rigors of postal and courier delivery systems.
Shipping - please read
You may collect directly from me. If you want shipping,  ask me to quote the shipping charge; why? The cost will depend on how many tuning capacitors you want, where you are and how soon you want delivery.
Condition of Item
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