BC348 parts wanted, ART 13 parts to sell "and more

$ 12,345,679.00
5 days ago

For sale  'Art 13 parts .wanted BC 348 Photos I will email to you,
Please send your inquiry and address to goldmort@onthernet,com,au or phone me....0405400515

ART 13  ..I have 2x modules with valves on board.  one converted for crystal mic, I have antenna relays (mounted  a crystal and some other bits, cover plate for crystal section   I also have new output valves/tubes (inc l813) useful oil filled caps and I think one power transformer.suited to doubling for the ART 13.

I also have a commercial 1000V 350mA regulated  power supply 

.I  have  for sale x Heathkit HW Transceivers, an AR7,  BC348's..one a seemingly Dutch military mod' ,R series Drake receivers,  and immaculate SPR 4 ...'UR 'Frequ meter (ike BC 221 but  to 1000 mHz )....
Photos available by email I will negotiate reasonable prices. 

Wanted For "Q" single ended tube type( also J or P) 
1)  Cw oscillator control 
2) an RF /Audio 'sub' chassis ...the small subchasis under front cover  are my basic needs.

Any BC348 screws  come in handy.

For 'R' or other Grid cap type...
1) Audio / RF  double pot., 
 2) 3 x lower coil box covers (or complete box set) ,
3) MVC-Off-AVC switch with knob,
4) two  securing (locking ) rods....the long ones with knurled knobs, .located  under handles.
5) Output transformer for the 'R'...

6) I am also after several mounting pads for the 348's...I have 6 sets and only one mounting pad. 

Donor g/c or single ended units considered...where are they all? Hundreds must have been sold in Australia..

Wanted  BC221 sig gen CASE only needed. I prefer aluminium but consider the wooden one} ..My remaining 221 has no case 

Does anyne have a BC348 with RF stages converted to Nuvistors? Please advise.
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