Wanted - Older model high power antenna Tuner

AUD 123,456.00
4 days ago
Hello & thanks for looking at my posting.

Im interested in buying an older style high power antenna tuner - something along the lines of Drake MN-2000, MN-2700 (preferred unit if I can find one),  Emtron EAT - 1000 or would also consider some of the older Yaesu models such as FC-902, FC-301 etc.  Preferably something with a tapped inductor.  Although I'm not planning to use 1Kw or more through it, Im interested in the older models, particularly Drake, Dentron, Johnson etc for their build and component quality but I want it to be able to handle at least 400 - 500 watts for our VK limit which is why I would also consider the Yaesu tuners.

Not interested in MFJ, Ameritron or lower power models, so if you are going to offer say a 300w MFJ unit, that isn't what I'm looking for.

If you have something along the line of this that you want to sell I would be interested to hear fom you.

Thanks for reading & best regards,

Des - VK3DMP

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