Wanted: Slimline lattice tower

AUD 123.00
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1 day ago

Hi, thanks for looking. I am after a quite specific tower for a medium size vhf uhf antenna array consisting of 2x9 element xpol yagis on 2m and a grid pack dish on 23cms. The specs are that the tower needs to be able to mount a yaesu g5500 dual axis rotator too and it needs to be no more than 10 meters high, eg 2x5 or a 6 meter long base section with a 4 meter long upper section. I know that there are some 2x6 meter towers which offer some flexibility which may work in this situation. Furthermore 10x10cm or 15x15 lattice type would be ideal with any bigger being a problem due to the limited space I have. 

Probably the most challenging thing is that it needs to be reasonably close to my qth (3193), ie the south east suburbs of Melbourne only as it would be extremely costly to post/ transport and I would have it delivered by arranging my own truck or trailer which I can only do if tower is reasonably close to home. As far as cost is concerned I would consider spending about $1,000 (+/- a few hundred $). It needs to be in good condition and with a winding mechanism to raise and lower the array. I am aware that Fireco and other companies make pneumatic systems and I will consider pre loved ones if in reasonable condition and a reasonable price point. 

I am aware that this is a difficult ask and probably unlikely. Having a decent amateur radio station in the suburbs is becoming increasingly difficult due to neighbours, councils, the visuals and hence why the capacity to lower it is essential. I would greatly appreciate ideas you might have. Apologies for the bluntness but only serious offers will be considered and others will be ignored as I don't have a whole lot of time to follow up with offers that are too far out of the listed requirements.

Thank you 

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