Remote antenna switch

$ 230.00
Quantity Available
1 week ago
Remote control unit "Unison-mini" + 4 x antenna switch Endis K-4

"UNISON-mini" is a desktop remote control (control unit) designed for remote control of various devices, such as: antenna switches, bandpass filter units, etc., for switching on which it is necessary to supply a positive voltage of +12V or +27 volts.
The antenna switch "ENDIS K-4" is designed to switch HF antennas.
Switching of antennas is carried out by applying voltage +12….+18 volts to the corresponding contacts. The switch can be controlled from a conventional (for example, a rotary switch) or a specialized control panel.

New, never used.
Attached docos are in Russian but I can translate them ifa buyer will request it.
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