1296 MHz PA's - 20 Watts !!!

$ 45.00
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4 days ago
Gidday All,
                   I have recently had some success modifying some old Cell gear to run on 1296 MHz.

The result is a few High Gain, 20 Watt PA's, fully Linear.

An Input of 0 dBm typically gives about 4 Watts and +10 dBm (10 Milliwatts) gives around 20 Watts Output (PSAT).

The devices (Brick Amp & GaAs FET) on this PCB operate on +24 Volts with a max current draw of about 3 Amps.

The new Owner will need to mount this modified PCB on their own Heatsink.
The I/O lines can easily be swapped out to suit the new owner.

Rather annoyingly, the Substrate of the O/P Transistor sits below the PCB so I've included a small sheet of Aluminium to fit as a "shim" Plate between the PCB & the Heatsink.

The PIX shows a Roll of Solder for scaling...

Selling $45 each.


Alan - VK3XPD.
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